Season 1: St. John Passion
The first season of Hearing the Music premiered on South Dakota Public Radio in April 2020, featuring SDSO musical director Delta David Gier with novelist and pastor J. Mark Bertrand. David and Mark led listeners through the artistic and theological depths of the St. John Passion, drawing on the expertise of Dr. James Johnson and Dr. Marcel Zwitzer. The music we heard came from a recording of the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra’s 2014 performance of the work.
In the final episode, covering the narrative from John 19.30-42, Mark and David reflect on the final movements of Bach’s St John Passion. The music asks the question, “How should I respond to the death of Christ?”
On the cross, Jesus entrusts his mother to the care of his beloved disciple John, and then declares, “It is finished!” David and Mark talk to musicologist Marcel Zwitser about Bach’s Bible, as well as the conclusions we can draw from his choice of texts. This episode covers events recounted in John 19.18-30.
This episode covers events found in John 18.28-19.17, principally the trial of Jesus before the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate. Together, David and Mark guide you through the back and forth conflicts that lead to the condemnation of Christ, his scourging and the crown of thorns. Our special guest Dr. James Johnson provides insight into Bach’s use of the chorus.
In this episode, novelist and pastor J. Mark Bertrand joins SDSO music director Delta David Gier in an exploration of Part 1 of Bach’s St John Passion, which begins with the arrest of Jesus and ends with Simon Peter’s three-fold denial. The principal text comes from John 18.1-27.
This episode includes our entire interview with musicologist Dr. Marcel Zwitser about Bach’s Bible and the artistry of the St John Passion.
This episode includes our entire phone interview with Dr. James Johnson, chorus master of the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra.